Coding Adventures

Google has its cemetery, I have my one: end-of-life of some projects...

December 25, 2021

It comes a time when someone has to choose on what to spend energy so it is inevitable to shut down or freeze something. Well, this is a list of projects that I want to shut down, that I don’t want to dedicate my time and myself because some reasons (that I listed in this post). Plus, I want to say in this post what is my plan for the future.

PS. Okay, I know that this can be a little bit annoying for someone, but I started this blog for myself (this is why I’m not so obsessive about analytics). In the end, this can be good for everyone; otherwise: good for me.

It is a time to make a little cleaning of my tangle of thoughts.

The cemetery

  1. Salesjar,
  2. Codsletter,
  3. Sturiorum;

The plan

  1. Kubernetes,
  2. Drupal,
  3. Blogging, blogging, blogging,
  4. Reading more and more books;


My first post on this blog was about Salesjar, a software that helps people to create e-commerce without having coding skills; I said that with Salesjar you can create e-commerce in 30 seconds (it is a big promise, as you are thinking right now).

But why Salesjar was dead?

I think that there are some reasons for the death of this software:

  1. I make the most of things for fun, some of the tools that I created in the past are well-known on the Net, but there are more and more (and more) applications like this (Salesjar) on the web. At this point, you can say to me: “okay, but also if there are others on the market, this does not mean that you cannot fit in it and you cannot build something great and better…”. Yes, you are right, but there is also the second reason;
  2. This project requires more and more months of works, and for someone would be a good thing, but for me (that I want to touch different fields and different kinds of technologies) would be disruptive. The fact that I fossilize myself on a thing that others makes better for so long time is destructive for my thirst for knowledge. Again, you can say to me: “but why did you start a thing that you know will be truncated?“. You are right again, but I didn’t know that there were so many applications that make this (better). It was my fault, I’m not so good at business research before a project.

In the end, Salesjar is dead.


For this web application maybe it is wrong to talk about death because Codsletter is up and running also on this blog (you can subscribe to my newsletter navigating on the home page of this website).

Simply, Codsletter makes the thing that I premeditate to make it to do. It manages subscribers and forms. Definitively it works well.

This is because I will publish only one version where I make some refactoring of the code and will stop the development (except for security updates). Of course, if someone wants to contribute or fork the project, he can do it without any friction (thanks to the license that I used for it).


If you have never heard about this project is because I started it before this blog. I started it when I attended the university environment, so I created a Laravel project that would create a college community where you can share your knowledge among students.

At the base of this project, there was solidarity: every student had to share some of his knowledge to access other knowledge. This could be a good project and a good idea, but the reason is the same: is it worth it?

I think not. So, I will archive it.


Kubernetes is the last technology that I approached in this period, this is because I’m not only the “software and web developer” but I’m an extremely curious person and I want to explore different things (like K8S).

This sudden passion was born from a course that the company currently I’m working for rolled to me and other co-workers. I enjoyed so much this technology that I wanted to explore it well.


Well, Drupal is omnipresent in my professional life; this is because I work with it every day and discover new things on every project. I love to see new things, read articles about them, try new modules and make new ones (using the best practices as soon as possible and code analysis tools like PHPStan - I wrote an article about this).

So, said this, my goals are:

  1. Contribute more to the community, improving contrib modules and others (like theme projects that I use every day),
  2. Write more articles about Drupal exploring different fields and integrations,
  3. Read more articles to improve my programming skills about custom modules and so on (I tend to use best practices for everything that I build);

More blogging

As I said in the previous point, I want to write more about Drupal but also about everything else like my life or my side projects. I consider this blog more a logbook than a simple “how to make”-like website.

Sometimes you will find on this website some articles about philosophy or work-life balancing tips, technical and non-technical posts, trips that I will make, images and others.

This is one of my gardens, so I would put in it everything that I want :-)

Reading more books

I’m an avid reader, I should admit it; especially for thrillers and Agatha Cristie’s books. In the past, but today (with the work and other things) I can have only some hours a week to dedicate to reading.

So, I challenge myself with a thing that I called “one book a week”; I will read a book a week about everything (not only novels): from space to human behaviour study, from thriller to yellow, from illustrated books to horror (recently I bought If it Bleeds by Stephen King); and maybe start a newsletter, or a podcast, or a video series about my thoughts about them.

In the end, I know and hope with all my heart that 2022 will be special and rich in knowledge!

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