Coding Adventures

Do a project is good, learning how to think is better

November 05, 2020

As I explain in the title of this blog post when I finish a project, I immediately feel satisfied. From the designing to writing code you can learn a lot of things, but with the introduction of the new framework, like Django, Laraver, Spring and new ultra-CMS such as Drupal 9, most of the complicated things that before of this you made manually, today you can make it automatically.

This is not bad news, because, for example, in a professional background or context, the velocity to produce a new project and deploy it is essential. However, this is radically reduced by the enormous amount of frameworks and similar on the market, that fundamentally makes the same thing, so a new (and sometimes expert) developer can lose much time to choose the best instruments instead of using them to make things done.

This is bad news, but not the worst.

The worst news is that many of these developers had lost the capacity of thinking on a solution, and lost the curiosity and the brave to discuss the solution of another developer that believe better than theirs. So they hide behind the phrase: “If someone had spent much time to make this, why I should make it better?”

Behind this phrase, I admit it, sometimes also I hide. You can see my last project, in which I use Java Springboot and Angular, to make my life easier :P

However, I suggest to all developer, programmers (yes, it is not the same thing), computer scientists, and like, to learn to think and solve a problem with intelligence and learn how to code a solution to a problem, independently of programming language, framework or other… Because the thing that makes you a good developer, instead of a developer, is the way of the thinking.

Some resources to start:

Best regards guys.

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